The ITPEnergised team is excited to be providing environmental, consenting and electrical engineering support to OWC as part of their support for Simply Blue Energy (SBE) and Total’s Erebus 96 MW floating wind project in the Celtic Sea. Working for the principal designer OWC, we will provide a lead role on consenting, bringing together the offshore and onshore aspects of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), being undertaken by Marine Space and ourselves, respectively. We will also be leading on the grid connection application and negotiation, preliminary electrical design works, and onshore engineering.
The project represents a big step towards realising the incredible electricity generating capacity in the Celtic Sea, recently estimated by ITPEnergised to potentially be as much as 50GW. We are truly delighted to be involved and look forward to working with the excellent project team towards a successful development.
For more information on the Celtic Sea Floating Wind project, please click here: