Tom Wells

Tom Wells

Tom is a chartered environmental consultant, specialising in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). He has more than 18 years’ experience in strategic land, estate regeneration, mixed-use town centre, urban extensions, sports stadia, industrial and logistics, and marina schemes, helping clients to secure allocations and planning/environmental consents for high quality developments on sites with complex environmental and/or planning policy constraints, including those within and in proximity to SSSIs, SPAs, SACs, Ramsar sites, National Landscapes, World Heritage Sites and Green Belt.

Prior to joining ITPEnergised as Head of Environmental Planning (England & Wales) in February 2024, Tom was the national EIA service lead at Waterman Group. Before that, he set up and led the Environmental Planning & Assessment team at CBRE UK. Tom was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment in 2020.