

We help you achieve your ambitions whilst ensuring ecological and ornithological features are protected. Our Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) experts establish existing conditions, flag up constraints and identify opportunities for enhancement, delivering the right outcome for your project. 

Our Expertise

We help you navigate the sea of legal and planning requirements by identifying and managing ecological and ornithological constraints and opportunities through recognised industry standards and sound scientific principles.

Key Services

  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) desk study or extended Phase 1 habitat survey to identify baseline features and assess if further ecology or ornithology surveys are needed. 
  • Bird surveys for a wide range of a project types and scales
  • Protected or otherwise notable species surveys e.g. European Protected Species such as bats, otters, great crested newts, as well as a wide range of other protected or notable species. 
  • Ecological Impact Assessment either as a stand-alone service or as part of an EIA. 
  • Specialised services including BNG assessment, Habitat Management Plan (HMP) production, Habitat Regulation Assessment/Appraisal (HRA), Bird Hazard Management Plan (BHMP). 



Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Offshore Wind & Marine Renewables | Oil & Gas Transition | Onshore Renewables & Storage

Ecology and Ornithology

Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Offshore Wind & Marine Renewables | Onshore Renewables & Storage | Property & Urban Regeneration

Construction Environmental Management

Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Offshore Wind & Marine Renewables | Oil & Gas Transition | Onshore Renewables & Storage | Property & Urban Regeneration


Gavieside Masterplan – EIA

ITPEnergised is coordinating the technical consultant team and impact assessment process for this mixed-use urban development.