

Regulatory and ESG expectations mean that the pace of change to maintain environmental compliance continues to accelerate. We support you with monitoring, reporting and analysis and bring a clear understanding of new regulations as permitting requirements grow. 

Our Expertise

ITPEnergised acts as your trusted environmental advisor with industrial sites onshore and offshore, both domestically and internationally; from stand-alone technical assessments to a full client agent role in managing the permitting process.

Key Services

  • Environmental, Health and Safety Management System Development and Auditing.
  • Environmental Permit (EP / PPC) Application, Variation and Surrender support from simple advice to whole project management.
  • Technical / environmental risk assessments for permitting including air quality, water, energy, noise etc.
  • Energy assessments / ISO 50001.
  • Best Available Techniques (BAT) assessments.
  • Emissions Trading (UK, EU ETS) compliance and support.
  • Emissions management including offshore emissions monitoring.
  • Discharging of pre- and post-operational planning and permitting requirements.



Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Offshore Wind & Marine Renewables | Oil & Gas Transition | Onshore Renewables & Storage

Noise Services

Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Offshore Wind & Marine Renewables | Oil & Gas Transition | Onshore Renewables & Storage | Property & Urban Regeneration

Air Quality

Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Oil & Gas Transition | Property & Urban Regeneration


Alvance British Aluminium – EIA

ITPEnergised managed the multi-discipline environmental impact assessment of this proposed major development in Fort William. Read more...