At the feasibility stage of proposed developments, we can provide high-level or in-depth environmental constraints analyses of sites to aid with site selection or design optimisation.
Our EIA consultant team supports your development ambitions by ensuring that EIAs / ESIAs are accurately and robustly scoped with consenting authorities, so that all relevant environmental topics are assessed while all unnecessary assessments are excluded. We collaborate with internal and external technical specialists, as well as statutory and non-statutory consultees, to provide comprehensive EIA / ESIA Reports (or Environmental Statements). Where necessary, we propose appropriate mitigation measures to remove, reduce or offset potential environmental effects.
Our EIA consultants also provide support for projects which do not require full EIA or ESIA but do need management of individual environmental assessments. Our environmental consultant team works with you in the post-application stages through assistance with planning condition discharge, support at planning appeals and public inquiries, and environmental management of demolition and construction operations.