Capability Statement

Noise Services – Battery Energy Storage Systems

net zero consultant

ITPEnergised is a trusted advisor providing client-focused, reliable, commercially minded, environmental and energy consulting services. Our dedicated noise team has a wealth of experience in the assessment of noise from Solar developments and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) covering sites across the UK.

With the considerable growth in the BESS sector over recent years and the expansion of renewable energy schemes throughout the UK, ITPEnergised has worked closely with our clients to address noise and vibration issues and to allow a positive outcome to the planning application process.

Our noise team’s combined experience of noise assessments for Solar and BESS schemes is in excess of 10 years and all team members hold grade-appropriate membership and affiliation with the Institute of Acoustics.

Our Core Services Include:

  • Input to feasibility and constraints studies and provision of preliminary advice;
  • EIA Screening / Scoping;
  • Baseline surveys;
  • Construction activity and construction traffic noise assessment;
  • Operational noise assessment in accordance with BS 4142:2014+A1:2019 and with Local Authority supplementary guidance;
  • Consultation with the Local Authority Environmental Health Service to ensure their concerns are addressed throughout the assessment process, ensuring a smoother route through planning;
  • Detailed iterative mitigation modelling to consider the ability of a development to meet appropriate noise limits and advise on which attenuation methods may be the most effective;
  • Inputs to Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs);
  • Post-submission support, including review and input to draft planning conditions; and
  • Compliance monitoring.

Our team’s experience with Solar and BESS schemes has highlighted the importance of early engagement with the Local Authority to ensure their understanding of the operational profile of the schemes, allowing appropriate context to be included within the noise assessment.

ITPEnergised has good working relationships with the Environmental Health departments of numerous local authorities and we are familiar with the supplementary guidance for noise assessment, where provided.

We have worked with an author of the BS4142 standard providing expert witness on the East Anglia 1 North substation and have used this experience to respond to Councils who have sought to apply more stringent noise limits than the intended interpretation of the Standard requires.

At planning application stage it is often the case that a technology provider has yet to be chosen. ITPEnergised has collected, through engagement with Battery Technology providers including Tesla, Trina and Leclanche, a wealth of noise data for BESS and Solar schemes which allows us to provide high quality assessments without costly delays.

Our reporting style seeks to present our findings and recommendations in clear and straightforward way, providing a concise and logical deliverable. We work closely with ITPEnergised’s GIS and graphics experts to provide clear, attractive drawings which are easy to interpret.

Download a PDF of the Noise Services – Battery Energy Storage Systems Capability Statement here.