Client: Belltown Power UK Wind Ltd
Location: Melvich, Sutherland, Highlands
Date: 2022–ongoing
Belltown Power appointed ITPEnergised as lead EIA Consultant to support the Melvich Wind Energy Hub application through the consenting process.
The site is located approximately 1km south of Melvich in the north Highlands, in an area of moorland which has historically been affected by peat drainage, cutting, and burning. The proposals include development of 12 wind turbines up to 149.9m to tip, with up to 42MW of energy storage.
Our Role:
ITPEnergised led the delivery of EIA Scoping, regulatory consultation, extensive design iteration, and ultimately the full EIA Report.
Expert technical input was drawn from our in-house team for ecology; hydrology/geology/peat; noise; shadow flicker; and telecommunications.
We engaged trusted sub-consultants to provide specialist input on planning policy; landscape and visual impact; cultural heritage; transport and access; aviation; and socio-economics.
Close collaboration across the technical specialisms was important to optimise environmental outcomes. Working closely with the client and communicating well between ecology, hydrology and geology specialists, the planning lead and legal advisor, we developed extensive and innovative mitigation and enhancement proposals to deliver significant peatland habitat restoration and ornithological benefits.
The EIA was delivered in a tight timescale with substantial complexities, namely:
- Adjacent international designations and requirement for Habitat Regulations Appraisal;
- National Planning Framework 4 being proposed, revised, then adopted during the EIA programme; and
- The Flow Country’s World Heritage Site application being made in early 2023.
The Section 36 application was submitted in April 2023 and is currently under consideration.
Download the Melvich Wind Energy Hub Case Study PDF here.