Client: 3R Energy
Location: Douglas, South Lanarkshire
Date: 2018-ongoing
Project Capacity: 84MW
The proposed development is on the site of the existing Hagshaw Hill Wind Farm, Scotland’s first commercial wind farm (constructed in 1995). It is located approximately 3.2km west of the village of Douglas in rural South Lanarkshire.
The project proposal is to repower and extend the original wind farm, resulting in an increase in installed capacity of the site, from 15.6MW to around 84MW.
The original 26 wind turbines are proposed to be replaced with 14 turbines of up to a maximum blade tip height of 200 m (each being around 6MW in power rating), with associated infrastructure and an energy storage facility of around 20MW.
Project Details:
- Project commencement Spring 2018
- Submission of Section 36 application to the Scottish Ministers in December 2018
- Section 36 consent awarded in February 2020
Our Role:
ITPEnergised acted as EIA project manager, technical lead and author to several of the EIA Report chapters, including geology / hydrology and shadow flicker.
The EIA scope and process were discussed with Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit and relevant consultees, to ensure the assessment aligned with guidance on assessing the impact of repowered wind farms on the environment, while remaining compliant with the EIA Regulations. The approach involved assessing the potential effects of the development at the site if it had been decommissioned and restored, while also considering the difference in effects between the existing and the proposed development.
The EIA was effectively managed and co-ordinated in order to meet the short project programme to submission of the Section 36 application.
Consent was achieved in early 2020 and 3R Energy has entered into a Joint Venture with ScottishPower Renewables.
Download the Onshore Wind – Hagshaw Hill Wind Farm case study PDF here.