Client: Orkney Islands Council
Location: Orkney
Date: 2020-2021
Orkney Islands Council is proposing to construct and operate three wind energy developments at Quanterness (Orkney Mainland), Hoy and Faray, collectively called Orkney’s Community Wind Farm Project. The aims of this project are: to generate income for the benefit of the people of Orkney; to aid towards a meaningful response to the Climate Emergency; and to build the case for a new transmission connection between Orkney and the Scottish mainland, unlocking wider benefits to the energy sector in Orkney.
The three proposed developments each would consist of six wind turbines of up to a maximum of 149.9m height, with a total overall capacity of approximately 86 MW. The sites benefit from an excellent wind resource, and their locations and proposed layouts have resulted from an extensive site search, feasibility, and design iteration process.
ITPEnergised led on the initial feasibility studies, and subsequently was commissioned to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for each development. This meant identifying, predicting and evaluating the environmental impacts of the developments, leading and providing technical input to the design iteration process, and undertaking regulatory and stakeholder consultations. The EIA Report for each project sets out mitigation measures designed to prevent, reduce and if possible offset potential significant adverse environmental impacts.
For the Faray project, its location on an uninhabited island has meant that additional development is required in the form of a new slipway and jetty to provide access. ITPEnergised has led on the preparation and submission of a marine licence application for this element.
Our Role:
Feasibility studies; EIA Scoping; EIA co-ordination & management; technical assessments on some or all sites including ornithology, ecology, noise, geology/hydrology/peat, and shadow flicker; post-submission support; management of wind resource measurement campaign.
Planning applications, supported by EIA Reports, have been submitted for all three sites and they are currently under consideration.
Download the case study PDF here, or for more information please contact