V20 Group Funding Programme for Climate Change Adaptation

climate change adaptation
  • Client: UNIDO
  • Date: 2023/24

The Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group is a dedicated cooperative initiative of 68 economies that are systematically vulnerable to climate change, working together through dialogue and action to tackle global climate change.

In May 2024, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved a project to create and operationalize the V20 Funding Programme (VFP) that will directly support a range of locally led adaptation interventions such as community infrastructure and livelihood asset repair, climate resilient construction and rehabilitation for communities impacted by extreme weather events, thus enhancing climate resilience.

The Project:

By bundling a set of key interventions in policy and coordination, capacity development, financing options, private sector engagement as well as awareness raising, the project is expected to boost adaptation by building resilience at community level to avert and minimize the impacts from climate change.

The expected results from project implementation include:

  • Establishing and operationalizing the VFP to support Micro, Small and Medium-size Enterprises (MSMEs) / Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to deploy high-impact innovative adaptation-oriented technologies, products, and services (TPS).
  • Supporting the implementation of 50 high-impact climate change adaptation projects from MSMEs/CSOs with loss and damage co-benefits.
  • Establishing and showcasing distribution and support channels to ensure communities, associations and cooperatives have access to adaptation TPS.
  • Disseminating knowledge on climate change vulnerability and availability of adaptation TPS to decision makers and target vulnerable groups.

Our Role:

The Sustainable Business team at ITPEnergised supported UNIDO and the V20 in the development and submission of the GEF CEO Endorsement Documentation package for this innovative climate change adaptation project.


The project has been successfully approved for implementation by the GEF on 9 May 2024. Full details can be found here:

You can download a PDF of this V20 Group Funding Programme Case Study here.