Ocean Energy Workshop
In March 2015, IT Power’s staff visited the Zhoushan archipelago near Shanghai in China to host a workshop on ocean energy policy, technology and commercialisation potential as part of the FCO funded UK-China Ocean Energy collaboration project.
The workshop was opened by Mr. Fang Tao, Director of New and Renewable Energy Institute of Huadong Engineering Corporation Ltd. Mr. Fang introduced guests who give opening speech at the workshop including:
- Mr. Zhou Weijing, Standing Deputy Major of Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province gave an opening speech on behalf Zhoushan government.
- Mr. Liang Zhipeng, Deputy Director, New and Renewable Energy Department, National Energy Bureau, gave an opening address on behalf of Chinese Government’s NEA. In this he mentioned that the Chinese government is intending to set a target for ocean energy in the 13th Five Year Plan and this will hopefully help to increase ocean energy deployment in China over the coming 5 years.
- Mr. Matthew Forbes, Deputy Consul General, Shanghai Consulate, British Embassy, spoke on behalf of British Government
- Mr. Xia Dengwen, Deputy Director of National Oceanic Technology Center, represented China’s State Oceanic Administration (SOA)
IT Power’s Offshore Group Manager, Joe Hussey, presented an update on the current state of the art in wave and tidal energy technologies, whilst IT Power’s Mark Leybourne showcased the current projects being developed in UK waters.
Ian Godfrey from RegenSW attended the workshop and site visit under the Bristol 2015 Marine Energy Accelerator Programme (MEAP). Ian represented Bristol City and the SW region’s expertise and opportunities in marine renewable energy and met with the Zhoushan municipal government’s mayor to establish closer links between the two regions. He gave an overview of the marine energy activities and plans within the SW of England, highlighting local supply chain expertise and projects, and worked to encourage a reciprocal visit to Bristol later in the year.
Additional presentations were given by:
- Mr. Xia Dengwen, National Renewable Energy Centre
China’s Ocean Energy Development – Current Status and Roadmap - Mr. Chen Guohai, Huangdong Corporation Limited
China’s Tidal Range – Current Status and Perspective - Mr. Zhao Jianchun, Manager of Development Department, Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited
Zhoushan’s Ocean Energy Development Plan and Current Projects - United Energy
Latest Development of China’s Ocean Energy Demonstration Project
Site Visit
To coincide with a peak flood tide, at 4am the following morning the group went on a site visit to see a 60kW floating tidal energy project off Zhairuoshan Island in the Zhoushan archipelago.
The visit allowed the delegation to see the tidal stream device operating at its design flow speed of 2m/s within a 35m deep channel between two islands. The project was designed and installed by Zhejiang University with Chinese government R&D support from the SOA. The project began operating in 2014 and currently is not grid connected. There are plans, however, to link it up to the onshore grid on the neighbouring island, increase the rotor diameter to 10m and raise the rated power to ~120kW.
Zhejiang University is intending to build on its successful demonstration project and a develop a similar, but larger, 300kW device in the near future.
The Zhoushan archipelago comprises hundreds of islands with the best tidal stream resource in Chinese waters. The deep bathymetry between islands, with flows >2m/s, means that there are numerous sites suitable for tidal stream deployments. IT Power is intending on working with local developers to select suitable sites and establish new projects.